Sinai Temple: Documents and Photos
This site is a work in progress.
For information or to contribute material to this site,
contact David Maidenberg
last update: 5/24/20
Documents (these are links): |
Article: Jewish people organize in this city [Chronicle, 7/19/1903] |
Article: Synagogue is opened [Chronicle, 9/22/1903] |
Articles: Marion's Chosen Few: C-T Magazine edition focuses on
Marion's Jewish Community, 7/17/1977 (revised link 3/28/17) |
B'nai Brith donation of truck to State of Israel
Photo and identification (added 5/20/20) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletins [Do you have an edition that is not included here? If so, please contact me] |
B'nai B'rith News - October 1927 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - November 1943 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - January 1944 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - February 1944 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - April 1944 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - June 1944 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - August 1944 (added 2/13/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - October 1944 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - December 1944 (added 2/17/13) |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - January 1945 |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - March 1945 |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - May 1945 |
B'nai B'rith Bulletin - July 1945 (added 2/13/13) |
Confirmation Program - 1936 |
Confirmation Program - 1938 (also see photo) |
Rabbi Alex Goode, Student Rabbi & the story of The Four Chaplins
Column by Ed Breen (Chronicle), 2/3/1985
Article on program to honor Four Chaplins (Chronicle), date unknown
Photo of Alexander D. Goode
Stamp honoring the Four Chaplins
(added 2/18/13) |
Program: "Dudes & Dames" |
Program: "You Can't Make a Silk Purse..." |
Rabbi Ken Roseman Remembers (added 2/13/13) |
Roster of Student Rabbis in Marion (incomplete) (added 2/17/13) |
Temple Bulletins / Newsletters (selected editions) (added 2/21/13)
Sinai Star (published by the Sunday School) (added 2/21/13)
Sinai Temple Dedication: March 14, 1937 |
Sinai Temple 25th Anniversary: November 19, 1950 |
Songsheet: "Toot-Toot-Tootsie" (from the going away party for Tootsie & Milt Abel.) |
World War II Casualties: Robert A. Simons and Bernard Glogas
added 2/18/13 |
Photos: these are links - additional photos are in the "community" section |
60th Anniversary of Sinai Temple (probably spring of 1997) - Photos:
Jenny Maidenberg & Ann Secttor, Julian Secttor, Leo & Elaine Woontner,
Marion Thompson, Joyce Maidenberg, Jim Frank & Frank Maidenberg,
Jackie Steiner, Group, Cake, Julie & Art Kupersmith, Betty Fleck,
Anne Ganz, David Goldsmith.
Added 2/18/13 |
B'nai Brith bowling |
B'nai Brith (Marion) booth at unknown event, September 9, 1950
Photo includes Jake Weinberg in the booth
Added 6/25/13 |
Ethnic Festival, Matter Park: 1: Betty Fleck 2: Saul Tilson
Added 2/18/13 |
Kids Succot at Temple-1
Kids Succot at Temple-2
Kids Succot at Temple-3 |
Mamnako (Temple youth) article - 1956 |
Mamnako Youth Group photo (mid-1960's)
Barry Marks, Mark Zuckerman, David Maidenberg |
Mamnako Youth Group photo (mid-1960's)
Florence Kushnarov, Reed Maidenberg, Alan Fleck, & Linda Zimmerman |
Nancy Lutz, Temple organist (this is from the 1950's or '60's) |
Nancy Lutz and the Temple Choir
Added 5/18/20 |
Oneg Shabbat photo (1970's?)
Photo #1 Photo #2
Added 2/24/13 |
Saul Hutner 1860-1921 (namesake of Sinai Temple's B'nai Brith chapter) |
Sinai Temple, in early 1971 |
Sisterhood District Convention - 1962
Lillian Fleck, Anna Holland, Tillie Kuppin, Bea Fink |
Sisterhood event (Indianapolis?) early 1950's?
Includes Irma Maidenberg (back row, 4th from left). Others included: Bea Cassen, Esther Fogel.
Added 6/25/13 |
Sisterhood cookbook project (Chronicle photo, 10/9/66)
with Faye and Marla Newbauer and Anne Louise Savesky
Added 5/18/20 |
Sisterhood Style Show (Chronicle photo, date unknown)
with Charlotte Resneck, Suky Lazard, & Anne Louise Savesky
Added 5/20/20 |
Temple celebration
Added 5/21/20 |
Temple event, summer 1976
Chloe Goldsmith & Nancy Lutz
Added 5/24/20 |
Temple Kids
Jimmy Savesky Jeff Greenberg, Linda Zimmerman, Donnie Fehr, Helen Resneck,
Donny Simkin, Ellen Greenberg, Joanie Diamond, Reed Maidenberg, Alan Fleck,
David Maidenberg, David Roskin (mid-1950's)
Added 5/21/20 |
Temple Sedar, early 1950's?
Added 6/25/13 |
Temple show photos from the late 1950's:
1-Julian Secttor, Annette Klain, Chloe Goldsmith, Nan Maidenberg, Betty Fleck
2-Sylvia Greenberg, Beverly Ganz, Ann Secttor, Annette Klain, Nan Maidenberg
4-Betty Fleck, Ann Secttor, Tootsie Abel, Annette Klain, Ollie Kaplan?, Sylvia Greenberg, Chloe Goldsmith, Irma Maidenberg, Nan Maidenberg, Barbara Sue Plank
5-Ann Secttor, Sylvia Greenberg, Saul Kessler?, Chloe Goldsmith, Beverly Ganz
6-Ann Secttor & Nan Maidenberg
Torah service photo -- (rear of photo with captions) -1 |
VA Certificate to B'nai Brith |
Confirmation Class Photographs
Some Added 6/24/13 |
Confirmation Class of 1995
Matthew Dodyk, Micah Maidenberg
With Rabbi Kenneth Milhander |
Confirmation Class of 1994
Jared Frank, Molly Maidenberg
With Rabbi Sandra Cohen |
Confirmation Class of 1980
Jared Steiner, Michelle Kupersmith, Dorcia Rosenberg, Sarah Goldsmith
With Rabbi Bill Berk |
Confirmation Class of 1979
Douglas Steiner
With Rabbi Michael Berk |
Confirmation Class of 1976
Susan Woontner, Marla Newbauer, Betsy Goldsmith
With Rabbi David Gelfand |
Confirmation Class of 1972
David Zuckerman, Donna Wolf, Scott Goldsmith, Jill Maidenberg, Michael Woontner
With Rabbi Larry Kotok |
Confirmation Class of 1970
Susan Rosenberg, Wendy Roskin, Michelle Napers, David Goldsmith, Robert Resneck, Norman Stiefler.
With Rabbi Barton Lee |
Confirmation Class of 1967
Mitch Ganz, Vicki Maidenberg, Terri Plank, Gary Roskin, Melanie Gottlieb, Ruth Zuckerman, Stuart Secttor, Debbie Fleck,
Susie Resneck
With Rabbi Stephen Levenson |
Confirmation Class of 1965
Philip Ganz, Roger (Dusty) Resneck, Sherry Stiefler, Joan (Jody) Abel, Alice Resneck, Sandra (Sandy) Plank,
Minda Wolf, Mark Zuckerman, David Maidenberg.
With Rabbi Arnold Miller |
Confirmation Class of 1964
Alan Fleck, Reed Maidenberg, James Savesky.
With Rabbi Robert Frazin |
Confirmation Class of 1963
Linda Zimmerman, Barry Marks, Jerome Secttor
With Rabbi Charles Familant |
Confirmation Class of 1962
Helen Resneck, Marlene Abel, Judy Fox, Julie Jacobs, Jimmy Resneck, Tony Maidenberg, David Ganz
With Rabbi Norbert Samuelson |
Confirmation Class of 1959
Lynn Fox, Dianne Secttor, William Resneck, Davida Weiss, Gail Kirz
With Rabbi Jack Bemporad |
Confirmation Class of 1956 (Photo is badly faded)
Phyllis Weinberg, Marilyn Ganz, Helen Markowitz
With Rabbi Judah Miller |
Confirmation Class of 1954 (or '55?)
Stephanie Keiner, Raymond Weinstein, Pamela Friedman, Michael Zimmerman, Toby Maidenberg, Larry Simkin
With Rabbi Bill Rosenthal |
Confirmation Class of 1952 (?)
Florence Berman, Ronnie Jacobs, Janet Ginsberg, Luch Berkowitz, Stanley Weinstein
With Rabbi David Haken |
Confirmation Class of 1948
Ben Maidenburg, Dorothy Zaremski, June Weinberg, Barbara Ginsburg, Edith Strauss, Sherman Zaremski
With Rabbi Blackman |
Confirmation Class of 1944
Selma Sonior, Gordon Lurie, Carolyn Lurie
With Rabbi Albert Plotkin |
Confirmation Class of 1938 (also see program)
(Not in photo order): Milton Abel, Corinne Glucksman, Louise Pickus, Louise Spiegal, Fanny Wunderbaum,
Marygold Glogas, Leonard Lasky, Robert Simons, Louise Stiefler, Sam Wunderbaum, Roberta (Bobbe) Zimmerman.
With Rabbi Jacob Polish |